Englewood Quality of Life Plan II Task force Meetings
Published: February 16, 2016
Task force Meeting: Public Safety/Crime
All times for this meeting is Wednesday 5:30pm-7:00pm at Chicago Embassy Church
Wednesday 2/3/16
Wednesday 3/2/16
Wednesday 4/6/16
Wednesday 5/4/16
Wednesday 6/1/16
Chicago Embassy Church
5848 S. Princeton Chicago, IL 60621
Phone: 773-684-0444
Task force Meeting: Jobs/Economic Development
All times for this meetings will be on Tuesdays at the 7th District Police Station
Tuesday 3/8/16
Tuesday 4/07/16
Tuesday 5/10/16
Tuesday 6/14/16
7th District Police Station
1438 W. 63rd Street Chicago, IL 60636
Phone: 312-747-8220
Task force Meeting: Education/Youth Services
For this meeting all times are 10:00am-11:30am on Saturday's at Teamwork Englewood
Saturday 2/6/16
Saturday 3/5/16
Saturday 4/2/16
New location for April only will be at Team Englewood High School
(6201 S. Stewart 773-535-3530)
Saturday 5/10/16
Saturday 6/4/16
Contact: Teamwork Englewood
815 W. 63rd Street Chicago, IL 60621
Phone: 773-488-6600
Task force Meeting: Housing/Public Spaces
For this meeting all times are 1pm-2:30pm on Saturday's at Chicago Embassy Church
Saturday 2/6/16
Saturday 3/5/16
Saturday 4/2/16
Saturday 5/7/16
Saturday 6/4/16
Contact: Chicago Embassy Church
5848 S. Princeton Chicago, IL 60621
Phone: 773-684-0444
Task force Meeting: Health/Wellness
All meeting times will be 5:30pm-7:00pm on Mondays at Chicago Embassy Church
Mondays 2/8/16
Mondays 3/7/16
Mondays 4/4/16
Mondays 5/2/16
Mondays 6/6/16
Chicago Embassy Church
5848 S. Princeton Chicago, IL 60621
Phone: 773-684-0444
Englewood quality-of-life Plan II, Good in Englewood, Teamwork Englewood
Posted in Neighborhood News, Arts and Culture