
LaTanya & The Youth of Englewood

LaTanya Johnson
Founder and Executive Director
6020 S. Halsted, Suite 2
Chicago, Il 60621

Hours of operation

Summer Hours: Mon- Fri 9 AM-3 PM

LaTanya & The Youth of Englewood is an after school program located 6020 S. Halsted in Englewood. This organization has been established to work with youth ages 5 to14 to provide after school activities including education, recreation, communication skill building, social opportunities, advocacy and support. Most importantly, this protective program provides strong relationships with a capable, caring, and positive adults – a key component of helping children cope and succeed in a dangerous and violent environment like the Englewood neighborhood in Chicago.   

Summer will run from June 25, 2018- August 17, 2018

For more information email:
