Barber Shop Cease Fire Movement - July 31st at Ogden Park
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A Barber Shop Cease Fire Movement will be held at Ogden Park Track Arena on July 31, 2016 from 10am – 5pm. Barbers from Chicago and around the world will come out to stand up for their communities and promote the leaders, shot callers, and the youth of the gangs to stop the violence in Chicago and their cities. These are Barbers that will no longer tolerate the violence that is happening in their communities. Free food, games, special appearances, FREE hair cuts and more!

For more info about volunteering and sponsorship contact Sunni Powell at 312-479-7125.
Barber Shop Cease Fire Movement - July 31st at Ogden Park
6500 South Racine Ave.
Chicago, IL 60621
Barbershop, Cease Fire, Ogden Park, Peace in Englewood
Posted in Good In Englewood, Community Events